Friday, December 5, 2014

Where have I been?

I know I haven't been very active here for a little while. I guess life happened! I planned on going back to university in last September and that didn't worked exactly as planned. It was for the best really.

It made me realize that I missed manual therapy very much and that technically I still was a certified massage therapist. So I hit the books hard and practiced like a mad man! I got my certification as a strength and conditioning coach and a FMS specialist. Since I have never been convinced that Swedish massage was as good as I've been told, I have been teaching myself many more techniques inspired from Thai and Corean massage, Trager, Resistance-Release, Active Release and more stuff from osteopathy and physiotherapy. I also started a class in Osteodynamy, which follows exactly what I like : conditioning a proper movement.

So I've build my website (in french only) and started seeing patients. I guess my style and methods will change a lot in the next 3-5 years, but so far, I see very little serious pathology, such as tendinitis,  hernia or strain, and a lot of pain due to dysfunction. The Resistance Release technique, which I picked up from Deane Juhan works very well both to restore proper structure and recondition proper movement. It just doesn't fit most people's idea of a massage though!

Because of all that, I have danced very little for the past 2 months. Plus, +Vivianne Carrier hurt her shoulder and I suddenly became short of partners. On the bright side, I have been going out to social dance more than usual and I've even been having fun, which rarely happened when I was running my dance school.

Other great news, my left shoulder is starting to get better. I discovered a couple months back that I have a separation in my AC joint, which started hurting more than usual after a heavy pressing cycle. After that, I could only press upward! Going through the FMS certification and watching a lot of Gray Cook's material made me realize that I have a major asymmetry in my shoulder's mobility and that my pressing pattern was all wrong.

I have been working really hard on restoring proper mobility in my shoulder and make my sapulae move as they should. 2 weeks ago, I could floor press 115lbs again almost pain free! This is not a lot of weight by any standard, but it's a start.

Then last week, I pull something in my back practicing my sumo deadlift with bands... It's still a bit sensitive whenever my back is in flexion, but it's getting better going through some carefully planed rehab. I just turned 34yo, so I guess i have to stop being so careless and warm up before deadlifting.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

500lbs pull beard

That's right! I refuse to cut my beard (trimming allowed) until I can easily pull 500lbs off the floor. It has become the symbol of my resolve!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Pain in the AC joint = bad news!

At the end of my last cycle, I felt an increased pain at the top of my left shoulder. I have had the ''piano key'' poping up for a while whenever I was doing to much pressing or perhaps even before, but I can't clearly remeber. I asked around, but it never felt like anything important. After a little research, it seems it could be getting worse and I should pay a lot of attention to it if I don't want to end up on the surgery table.

So far, there are only 2 pressing movements that don't hurt : strict kettlebell press and the handstand push ups. Any horizontal forward press is sensitive, even the landmine press, dumbell floor press and turkish get up. So, I'm going to use the painfree movements instead and reduce the pressing to 2-3 times a week. I will add some more pulling and shoulders prevention movements I piked from Eric Cressey 2 days/week. Icing and rehab exercices and we'll see how that goes.

Everything seems under control and I believe I should be go to go if I'm really careful. Fingers crossed! 

In case of a zombie apocalypse, I want to be able to ....

Primary skills: 
  • Run
  • Squat to eat and take a shit
  • Carry heavy stuff over a distance
  • Picking stuff from the ground 
  • Lifting heavy stuff overhead
Secondary skills : 

  • Smash a zombie's head with a heavy tool
  • Thow stuff
  • How to use a gun
  • General boy scout survival skills (Lit a fire, tie a rope, ...)

    • I should train accordingly.... better be ready right?!

      Friday, July 4, 2014

      Check out the Hot Sardines from NYC

      This was at the Montreal Jazz Fest last Wednesday. Dancing was a bit challenging in the crowd and on the asphalt, but somehow it happened. Fun time! Check out the band's website. A must for any swing event.

      Squats and side presses kinda max!

      Back squat 295lbs x 2 reps with 1 maybe 2 reps in the bank
      Hypothetical 1RM between 335-355lbs

      Side press 75lbs x 2 reps with 2-3 reps in the bank
      Hypothetical 1RM between 90-100lbs
      In the SP, the 1st rep is the hardest, because you have to set the path of the bar, so there isn't much difference between 1 and 5 reps very often.

      Friday, June 27, 2014

      Practice videos

      Purebal dance : focus on paddle steps variations

      Bal-swing : focus on lollies and swivel variations for +Vivianne Carrier 

      Another minimalist strength program from Dan John

      As I'm saying all the time, swing dancers don't need to be that strong, just stronger! I was listening to this podcast the other day and Dan came up with that ultra simplistic program that would be great for any swing dancer.

      Pick 1 movement from both category and work on them for 2 weeks. Try all combinations for a total on 18 weeks.
      • Squat - swing – deadlift
      • Press – pull up - turkish get up
      Isn't that awesome?! I guess you can start over the program simply by switching variations on every lift.

      He doesn't talk much about frequency, volume and intensity which I assume we have to remember Easy Strength:

      1. Use a limited number of “big bang” exercises—for example, the deadlift and the floor press. 
      2. Lift two to three times a week.
      3. Keep the reps in the 1 to 5 range, emphasizing doubles and triples.
      4. Keep the volume around 10 reps per lift or 6 when using only singles—for example, 5 x 2, 2 x 5, 532, 3 x 3, 343, 424, 1234, 4321, 12321, 6 x 1, and so on. You may stay with the same weight or vary the weights from set to set.
      5. Rest approximately 5 minutes between sets. Practice Fast & Loose relaxation drills in between.
      6. Train in the 80% to 95% 1 RM intensity zone. Always leave at least 1 or 2reps in the bank.
      7. Go for a PR, single or rep, when you are feeling exceptionally strong, but stop short of an all-out max. Set a “sort of max.” Always back off after a PR for at least two weeks.
      8. Vary the intensity every workout, through different styles, cycling or through less structured advances and retreats.
      9. Don’t stop strength training in season but reduce the volume by two-thirds to one-half. For example, do 3 x 2 instead of 5 x 2 or 3 x 2 instead of 3 x 3. You may switch from three to two strength workouts a week.
      10. Finish your workout feeling stronger than when you started. Stop the workout if your performance is less than perfect, and come back another day.

      I personally feel better with a higher frequency, 5 days per week, and lower intensity, between 60% and 80%, but since everybody is different you will have to experiment with this. I'm a bad presser and I found that I can make significant progress if I increase the volume a bit, around 15 reps instead on 10, without being sore too much.

      Wednesday, June 25, 2014

      No excuse to skip training in vacation!

      I just love to visit new facilities anyway! There is only this one gym Oxyclub in Mont-Tremblant. Clean place, nice y any commercial gym standard. We can't see it on the clip, but they have this very high ceilling which would be pretty awesome for rings and ropes. Most people don't even use the one rack and prefere single joint exercices anyway...

      Discussion: How do we teach follows to step proprely? (leave your mouse on title if you don't see it)

      Wednesday, June 18, 2014

      Let's check some real men's physiques

      Bodybuilding has done some nasty damage to men's perception of what they should look like. I cheery picked those pictures of top athletes from many disciplines where full body strength is needed such as circus, gymnastic, MMA, early 20th century weightlifting, dance and pilates. You will notice the rectangular shape of the torso instead of the artificial ''V shape'' created by modern bodybuilding. Bodyfat is usually lower than 15% by the look of it and athletes who need to compete in a certain weight class, like GPS, got leaner for the event. Of course muscular emphasis will vary depending of the discipline of choice, but the bodies seems pretty balanced to me. Train hard for many many years, fix your nutrition and let your real body arises!

      Tuesday, June 17, 2014

      Balboa practices

      +Vivianne Carrier got hurt and has to stop dancing for a couple of weeks, but now she is back! I have seen that happened too many times to believe in coincidence: some time off can help your game a lot! I don't fully understand the process, but it works. Work hard for many weeks or a couple of months, take a couple weeks off and enjoy the results.

      Drill: leg work

      General dancing

      re-connect after a turn

      Friday, June 13, 2014

      Complete bodyweight strength training perfect for swing dancers

      Swing dancers don't even need to lift weight for peaking performance. I discover GMB channel recently and the free material is oustanding and deconstructed in many small steps. I would probably suggest to add some easy sprinting sets 3-4 times/week to optimize your posterior chain and some walking for health, but again, less is often better than more.

      First assess with those 4 basic forms

      Pick and work on 1 ''pushing'' movement

      Work on 1 ''pulling'' movement

      Get some leg strength

      Thursday, June 5, 2014

      PRs day!

      Just when I've started having doubts about the program (damn me!), today got me back on track! 
      Bodyweight : 198lbs

      Double kettelbell snatch 28kg
      You can see a little push at the end, but I was so freaking far from that 2 weeks ago ,that I call it a success! 

      Deadlift 405lbs x 2reps
      I used the same 5-3-2 protocol than last time. I put 20lbs in 6 weeks, my form is better and it honestly felt light, keeping 2-3 reps in the bank. This was my goal, so I stuck to it. 

      Final thoughts

      The 3sec hold deadlifts I have been doing is probably the best drill I have been using to improve my deadlift in the past year. It just puts you in the right position and forces your erectors to engage properly. You can still see from my rounded back how weak they still are, but stronger than before. From my experience, a close variation of what you are tying to accomplish will help you better than single joint assistance exercises. I fell that I understand better how to use my glutes now than after a cycle of hip thrusts even if I really like that exercise. 

      Sunday, June 1, 2014

      Great day after a little draw back

      I got sick on Friday night/Saturday morning, so I skip part of my training. Today I did dips on rings using a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 reps ladder. It was my 1st time past 5 reps. 

      Here my biofeedback 10 min session of this morning. Whenever I can get a 50% in the green zone for a majority of the time, I'll progress to the final level. Happy for now! 

      Saturday, May 24, 2014

      Baasketball shooting session

      Still trying to analyse my pattern and correct it. As soon as I don't pay attention, my old ways are firing instead. Below is the main ''how to'' video I'm using to fix my shooting. 

      Cardiac coherence emWave today's session

      Methods for Stronger Posture (w/ Guest Randy Clarke NST)

      Happier clips from people at my gym

      Even if my intentions were pure with that post showing people at my gyms doing all kind of crap, I have been criticize as if my purpose is to make fun of them. I should have known better since it's common pratice on the web. In fact, I'm merely trying to use peer pressure as a rethorical process to discourage bad practice and encourage good ones. To show my good faith, I thought about posting clips of people who are doing the right thing or are on the good path. As the other post, I will keep adding clips over time.

      You can be all ''this is not a lot of weight'' or ''this is sissy deadlift'' or else, but the girl is pregnant and deadlifting.....pretty cool!

      I like this one. She looks like an average girl who simply wishes to get in shape. She doesn't have the profile of an athlete and she's not overweight, but she brought her bench press over time to a 95lbs for a roughly 125lbs girl.

      This guy is about the age of my dad or a bit older. Look at his form! Yes he bounces the weight on the floor and yes high reps deadlift a rarely great, but he keeps the weight relatively light and his form doesn't change much.

      This clip could've go in either post, but I choose to put it here. Why you ask? He reminds me of myself when I was younger. He has the sport guy profile. He probably heard somewhere ''squat! this will improve your vertical jump.'' So he remember from some blurry memory that you should never squat below 90 degree and he tries really hard not to and he keeps adding weight on top of his poor form. Get a coach people! Even if you want to build your own program, just because you can, you need help to get your forms right. This will save you more time and money than you can imagine.

      Lifting clips

      3secs pause deadlift 255lbs x 5 
      This is the first cycle I try the pause deadlift and this is hard than expected. My first attempt was with 275lbs and I couldn't hold 3secs! I hope it'll help me off the floor and I guess we will see in 2 weeks.

      My fail attempt to the double kettlebell snatch with 28kg. I love tha cat part!

      Thursday, May 22, 2014

      On my way for the double kettlebell snatch with my 28kg

      2 28kg Kettlebells
      I could snatch Thelma and Selma individually, but together, they are a still mouthful. I was looking at the latest article on Strong First website and the progression laid down, that I already know but didn't want to remember, was so simple that I decided to give it a try for my current 3 weeks training block. Today I could do proper double swings, cleans and high pulls for 5+ reps. It's my 2nd day and I believe this won't be such a bid challenge after all.

      Friday, May 16, 2014

      Today emWave session level 3/4

      As I mentioned before, I don't have the data to confirm any health or mental benefits, just impressions. What I can say for sure, assuming I trust the product doesn't just fool me, is that I'm getting better at it, so we can call this process a skill. 

      Cardiac Coherence

      Thursday, May 15, 2014

      1 leg deadlift - 100lbs increase by my 12th workout

      I started at 135lbs for 4 reps and I ended at 235lbs for 2 reps in a 5-3-2 scheme after 12 practices

      Kettlebell side press

      When I started 2 weeks ago, I could only lift my 24kg for 3 reps and now I easily lift my 28kg for some sets of 5 reps. Neural adaptation is my best bud! 

      Monday, May 12, 2014

      Latest videos

      Solo routine for a bridal shower

      Move idea from open tuck turn +Audrey-Anne Bouchard 

      Move idea from open tuck turn +Audrey-Anne Bouchard 

      Move idea from texas tommy +Vivianne Carrier 

      1 leg deadlift 185lbs 5reps

      Basketball dunk attempt - ring mid-fingers

      Friday, May 9, 2014

      Basketball deconstrution

      As I mentionned, I want to learn new skills this summer and on of them is re-learning basketball. I used to be pretty good in high school, but I always missed the magic touch, in my case, finishing my baskets. When I was 15 years old, bigger and taller than other kids of my age, I could pick my own rebounds forever and finish the games with 25-30 pts, but by the age of 17, 6' 180lbs is not that impressive.

      What I had for me is a pretty good understanding of the game, which make me a great team player, and good defensive skills. What I would like to improve this summer are all my individual skills. I would divide them in 4 categories:

      • Shooting
        • Jump shots, free thows, 3 pointers, by the basket, with or without the board, etc.
      • Dribbling and handling
      • Layup 
        • with the board, without, dunk, etc.
      • Cross overs
        • Classic, outside the legs, inside the legs, behind the back, double or triplle cross overs ,etc. 
      I'm using my good old motto: 
      Simple beats complicated every time

      Here's a list of my goals I want to achieve:
      • Improving my dribbling and handling
        • Like to learn any skills, I'm doing some drills here and there many times a day if possible.
      • 95%+ for any shot wwithin 2 feet of the basket especially if there is no defender!
      • 80% for any shot around the key
      • Mastering 2-3 simple cross over variations, transitioning into a layup without looking at the ball.
      • 1 hand dunk
      Simple rules:
      • I play with other people only if that doesn't mean cutting on my practice. I try to do it at least once/week.
      • I stop when tired. The first symptome is usually the unsoppable need to mess around and doing some studip moves.
      • If I play with other people, I'm extremely careful not o hurt myself. Basketball is the most risky sport for middle age men. 
      • I pick a simple theme from my 4 categories and I work on it for 5-15 min or until I get bored.

      Kids these days have it really easy. Everybody is sharing their ressources for free. Whoever is not half-wits can figure it out by himself. I realized the way I shot and dribble are completely wrong and have to re-learn them completely. Fun, fun, fun!!

      Friday, May 2, 2014

      Summer goals: the short list

      I love summer! It's about 3 months I love to work on something new. This time, might be because of the never ending winter, but I'm on fire. I keep my dance training, strength training and cardiac coherence training. Here's a list of my mid-term goals:

      • Mastering the longboard. I just got this sucker a month ago and I just started feeling comfortable (by that I mean not beng scared of killing myself every time I step on it). Crazy thing when you own a loagboard, you will make new unexpected friends who will have the feeling that you share something in common. Same happened with my tattoo! 
      • Honing my basketball individual skills. I used to play basketball as a teenager and thought I was the next big thing until I realize I wasn't good enough to play in a college team. I now apply what I discover about learning new skills and apply it to the sport. After 2 weeks, all skills are either back or better than before and a lot of room for improvement. I want to dunk by the end of the summer what I never could.
      • Honing my volleyball skills with +Vivianne Carrier. I never truly learn that sport even if I have always been way better than the next guy. From my analysis, the individual skills re less than basketball, but playing as a team is no an option. For those familiar with some recreative volleyball, you probably noticed that most points are scored on services which is pretty lame if you think about it.

      Wednesday, April 30, 2014

      To sum up my ideas about fitness & training

      I’ll probably keep adding and re-organizing this post, but here it is. I started being curious about training around 2008-2009. I have always been generally active, playing basketball and volleyball when I was in highschool, then hicking, martial arts and swing dancing. At some point, I realized that professional athletes need general training outside of their discipline to perform at their best. I started learning pilates and yoga when I heard that professional dancers (non-swing) where using those tools. After getting a bit overweight in that period, I started doing P90X since a lot of the top swing dancers were doing it and talking about it. When my results slowed down I try to mix and match with Insanity, yin yoga (my body became a bit cranky) and other fitness video I liked. Finally, after reading Tim Ferris’ 4HB, especially the chapters on pre-hab et super human strength, I have truly begun to understand. For 3 years now I’ve devoured all most important literature on strength and conditioning to a point where I keep reading on the subject more as a habit than anything else. Strength through certain primitive patterns is all that matters for general well being or for athletic performance. 

      First of all, beside if you are a professional bodybuilder, you have no business with the following list whatever your personal goals are :
      • Dual thinking cardio vs muscle training. Mellow many times a week is studio, but if you actually enjoy it or compete. Going for a run from time to time is alright. Interval training, also called metabolic training, is a great added value to any strength training program, especially if you are not practicing any sport or doing anything else.
      • Splitting your training in body parts (leg, chest, quad, etc.).
      • Single joint exercises (curls, flies, leg extension, etc) The only exception would be to stimulate a certain muscle group that doesn’t want to participate to a certain movement (hip thrust to simulate your butt muscle in the squat or deadlift).
      • Over focusing on nutrition. Don’t get me wrong, nutrition is what matters for fat loss and muscle development, but micro-managing does no good and keep your attention from what actually matters. See my previous blog for general guideline. Even peri-nutrition workout is overrated. Carbs plays a minor role (5-10%) in protein synthesis and muscle development play a minor role in strength development. Just make sure you eat plenty of protein. The rest depends of how much fat is acceptable for you.
      • Going close to failure. Technique comes first, so keep 1-2 reps in the bank.
      • Thinking you need a special program for your needs or sports. Get strong and play your sport. You don’t have a sport/activity? Try one or many or ad 3-4 short, but intense conditioning  sessions interval based outside of your strength practice.  The exception is of course if you have a pathological problems or in rehab, then stick to what you can do that helps you getting better/stronger.
      • Thinking yoga/pilates/rock climbing/etc is all the training you need. Those are activities. The best way to get better at Yoga is through strength training.
      • Developing power and speed is a nice idea for an athlete, but it’s faster and safer to focus on strength first and eventually power if it lacks behind. 

      There are several programing’s and tools that works, but usually you can find the following characteristics:
      • Simple beats complicated every time. You don’t need any special programming or equipment before you reach decent strength.
      • Strength is a skill. Always aim for a ‘’as perfect as you can’’ form. Stay away from failure and keep a couple reps in the bank.
      • If you don’t want to get too much muscle mass, go for sets of 2-3 reps. If you don’t mind adding some muscle mass go for sets of 4-6 reps.
      • Stick with 2-5 compound lifts and use variations on those lifts instead of new exercises.
      • Keep the same variation for around 15 workouts or as long you see progress.
      • Deloads every 4-6 weeks  are essential if you keep the same variation of a lift all the time. Classic cycling would count as a deload.
      • Aim for 25-50 reps total per week for the squat/deadlift and 50-100 reps total per week for the press/pull.
      • The frequency is up to you. The more frequent you practice one lift, the less intensity you should use and the less sore you will be.
      • You should get stronger through time. Monitor your progress and adjust 1 variable at the time.
      • Many systems will deliver results, once you committed to one, avoid to switch to another. 
      • We count 3 systems and the rest is pretty much variations on those systems : high frequency training (think Sheiko or Pavel), the team USA system (think Marty Gallagher or Wendler) and the Westside barbell system (think Louis Simmons). Switching system is far worst than switching exercises or switching programs from what I have heard, but I'm sure there some success strories somewhere!

      Here a list of my favorite lifts by movement patterns:
      • Hinge : Deadlifts (any variation), KB swing, KB/DB snatch, power clean, power snatch, sprints
      • Squats (any variation) : if you have never squat, start with wall squats and goblet squat until you have developed an acceptable motor pattern. Then you can explore the front squat, box squat and finally the back squat and overhead squat.
      • Upper body press : any press will do really and will complete nicely any squat or deadlift variation. Personally, I would rather avoid the classic barbell press since it is so easy to cheat (tempo press) even involuntarily.  Also, I have a tendency to prefer presses where my scapula is not pin on a bench or on the floor such as DB/KB military press (1 or 2 hands), KB/DB/BB side/bent press, handstand pushups or dips. Because the push up is such a harder movement both to do properly and increase intensity that I use it mostly to practice movement/bracing than my strength per say. The progression to the 1 hand push up is a nice skill for anybody to learn. You can also use a plyo variation such as the clapping push up or the push press if your goal is strength transfer to power or just give a break to your shoulder. Honestly, I think having to make a choice and stick to it is the hardest part. You love the floor press? Just do it, you will get strong.
      • Upper body pull : Pull ups (any variation on bar or rings) Most row variations are way to easy to cheat. Avoid them if you are not an advance lifter.
      • Abs/anterior chain/carry : ab roller, leg raise, Turkish get up, farmer’s walk, prowler, crawling … there are a lot of exercises you might want to put into this category. Once again, variety is the enemy. Stick to a couple a variation for strength or do separate practices for movement patterning.

      Here’s a list a random thoughts:
      • I’m not a big fan of machines, but they can fit some people’s goals. For a busy individual who only wants to stay in shape and gain some muscle mass and bone density, the Occam protocol or the program laid out in Body by science both make a lot of sense. I would probably never do that, but some people might use them to stimulate a certain stubborn muscle group that doesn’t fire when needed.
      • I love multiple small practices throughout the day. It keep me fresh, reduce soreness and deliver same or superior results.
      • Bodyweight exercises are not necessarily superior or inferior to BB, DB or KB. In fact, the big advantage with BW exercises is that you recover from them faster that the rest.
      • Beside if you like personal challenges or want to compete, I would avoid Olympic lifting in favor of more simple exercises.
      • I know some people would swear by the overhead press or the barbell rows, but those exercises are so easy to jerk even when you don’t intend to that I’m not sure how useful they are to me, since more simple choices are available.
      • Skills are specific. If you are looking to increase a specific lift, better work on that lift and use little or no assistance exercises.
      • I have gain 10-15 lbs in the weeks following the integration of creatine monohydrate in my regimen. 
      • There are many strength standards around. I believe in the following in comparison to the bodyweight: bench press 1.5x for men 1x for women / squat 2x for men 1.5x for women / deadlift 2.5x for men 2x for women. Of course, adjust the multiplier depending of your choice of exercise. Experience has shown most coaches that there is no real carry over to sports past those standards. For most of us, we will need many years to reach them anyway and it is very hard to past them without entering a proper powerlift regimen which might defeat the purpose of most athletes besides powerlifters. 

      Sunday, April 27, 2014

      To sum up my ideas about nutrition

      As you know if you know me or looked around this blog, I’ve been digging information about nutrition for quite some time now. I have tried a couple of popular diets used by athletes such as the Slow carb diet, the Warrior Diet, Eat Stop Eat and some other ideas here and there, like from John Berardi and Dave Asprey. Here a list of my beliefs nowadays:
      • Simple beats complicated. All you need is a simple plan you can follow that delivers the results you’re looking for. If you have a hard time not eating after 7pm like 90% of people who try to diet, it might not be the best plan for you!
      • Being hungry sucks! There are so many better options.
      • Calorie in / calorie out concept is at best  incomplete. In my book, it’s plain  stupid! Treat your body as a thermostat not a calculator.
      • The macronutrients approach  is way superior to the calorie counting non sense. It is not perfect, but very useful to get a general understanding.
      • No macronutrient is bad, but the carbohydrate is the easiest variable to control either in quantity or in timing. It is the only macronutrient that your body can transform into body fat. Fruits and dairy products are often forgotten in the carbs category. Some other would suggest to control the protein intake first and make sure you have plenty. Whatever else you consume matters little.
      • Stop being scared of saturated fat. Neither bacon, butter or yolks will make you fat or influence badly your cholesterol level. It might raise up your testosterone level though…. Be ready!
      • Stick with whole unprocessed food at least 90% of the time. I would suggest moderation on minimally processed food such a most dairy product, nut butter, etc, because it is easy to overeat it. Avoid wheat products all together if possible like pasta, bread and beer. Good luck to overeat chicken and asparagus! If you cheat, keep it under 10% and make sure it’s worth it.
      • Peri-workout nutrition is overrated for anybody who is not bodybuilding. If you workout before eating, get some BCAA before and after and you’ll get most benefits.

      You can think your nutrition plan daily, but I suggest a weekly approach instead. 

      • You can cycle your carbs every other day or limit your carbs for 6 days and go all out the 7th day. I prefer to keep my carbs at the end of the day and limit my cereal intake to 2-3 times/week.
      • Fasting is great if you know what you are doing. You can stop eating safely for 16h to 32h depending of your plan and goals. Just remember that your body will crave after the fasting period and this is the worst timing for carbs. I like raw veggies for enzymes.
      • The ratio 33% protein / 33% fat / 33% carb/plenty of veggies  is a great option for most people.
      • Every time you eat, try the following and you can't go wrong:
        • X amount of carbs
        • 2X amount of protein
        • 4X amount of vegetables
        • Snack on veggies and nuts if needed
      • Meat & veggies one day and carb up  every other day
      • First meal of the day contains at least 30-50g protein and no carbs. Use protein powder or learn to love your steak’n eggs!
      • Unprocessed food paleo style. I consider paleo the safest of the food religion. 

      Without working to hard (or working out at all), following these general lines, every guy should drop their BF below 15% and every gal under 20%. Ajust your carb consumption according to your goals. Keep in mind that no plan will deliver results for ever, but all you have to do is to find a lifestyle you can adopt forever and effortless. Of course it’s a bit harder in a world where eating veggies is sometimes considered as excentric, but we get use to it!