Friday, April 27, 2012

Fred & Pat vs Javier & Heather at EBC 2011

Battle spotlights are very challenging. This is the first time I feel like I was very successful at it after many failures.

Fred Barbe

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Rock'N Swing vintage dance in Montreal

Rock'N Swing
 This is where I'm going to be tomorrow. Check out the Facebook page. I have great expectations for Louis & his band. I heard he practiced a new bunch of songs out of excitements for the dance. Here's the details if you feel like trying something new in Montreal.

1410 Pierce Montreal, Qc (Guy-Concordia Metro)

Cover 8$
Intro to swing lesson at 7pm
Bring your own booze!
Fossball table
Hot dogs, alcohol free drinks and some more surprises I heard.

Fred Barbe

Monday, April 23, 2012

My greatest influence as a teacher and coach

I have rarely mentioned it, never publicly for sure, who my greatest influence as a teacher was. It's hard because I owe so much to Patte Brodeur to help put everything together, but this is not what I want to talk about right. My model, the one who would be responsible for the core of my pedagogical system would be without a doubt Alain Guebenne, my old kung fu master. This got it right on about at least two basic principles how to teach movements.
  • Let the body teaches itself. Most of his teaching was through the execution of certain manoeuvres and techniques. He would never insist on one exact move, but would rather teach several similar moves over the weeks. Of course, every exercise was explained, but he would never overload the brain with useless extra information it cannot handle. Once in a while, he would say something that would only make sense 2 years later, which is awesome if you think about it! He also teaches routines (called forms) and everything in the routine is there to support the teaching. Alain would also never hesitate to start showing the students a 2nd or 3rd martial arts style just to make the body move differently and help it develop different motor skills. The results were spectacular. His students would often accomplish more in 2 or 3 years than others in 8 or 10 years.
  • A logical and meaningful level system. Alain organised his material in 5 levels (the number of levels is not that important for us). One stick to his level as long as he doesn't reach the not so arbitrary requirements set by Alain. The most basic level fits perfectly into the 2nd and so on. The students understand quickly that skipping any step is not an option. The 2 first levels needs to be solid or they won't be able to fight efficiently.
    1. It represents the core of his kung fu system. One can have very good results and be able to face most combat or sparring situations with a level 1 in the the pocket. It contains all the essential skills and doesn't need any further knowledge to work.
    2. This is the fundamental level and the most important. It feel like getting into the very heart of kung fu. It's not necessarily about the number of techniques learned, but rather about how you move and do them. When one has finished this level, he doesn't have to worry to much about facing most opponent.
    3. This is the final level of the basic techniques.
    4. Advanced techniques such as weapons.
    5. You have learned all the techniques the style has to offer. This is where the true understanding begins.
Even after that many years and many experiments, following those 2 principles delivered the best results with my swing dancing students. It can only work if you can teach people for a decent amount of time though. Fortunately for me, having my own school gave me all the liberty I needed to stick to the right principles my old Sifu taught me. Thanks Alain for that heritage.

Fred Barbe

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Another very nice B-inge day

Binge day McDonald
I don't have the picture, but it all started with 8 Toaster Strudels for breakfast. For the skeptical about the efficiency of the slow carb diet, I lost 9 lbs in the last month or so (from 185 lbs to 176 lbs) and gain muscle mass. My first guest was that I would stay around 185lbs for a while then gain so weight from the strength workout, but it seems i was fatter than I thought!

Binge day PastriesWhat I changed about a month ago is cutting into the last fruits such as zucchinis, cucumbers and spaghetti squashes. For some reason, it all makes me laugh a lot!!!

Fred Barbe

Binge day General Tao

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Initial weights : Wednesday's workout

Box jumps : stage 15 / 3reps / 3 sets / 2 min rest

Box plyo push ups : stage 6 / 3 reps / 3 sets / 2 min rest /

1 leg cross body rows : 80lbs / 3 reps / 3 sets / 1 min rest between sides

1 leg squat on a box : 0lbs / 3 reps / 3 sets / 1 min rest / 1 min rest between sides

Lifts : 65 lbs / 3 reps / 3 sets / 1 min rest / alternate with chops

Bridge : 0lbs / 3 reps (under 10 sec under tension) / 3 sets / 2 min rest

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Initial weights : Monday's workout

2 handed 1 leg deadlifts : 150lbs / 3reps / 3 sets / 1 min rest / alternate with one hand push ups

1 hand push ups : stage 4 / 3 reps / 3 sets / 1 min rest / alternate with 2 handed 1 leg deadlifts

1 hand Pull ups : 0lbs / 3 reps / 3 sets / 1 min rest between sides

Chops : 95lbs / 3 reps / 3 sets / 1 min rest / alternate with lifts

Lifts : 65 lbs / 3 reps / 3 sets / 1 min rest / alternate with chops

Myoptactic crunch : 3lbs / 10 reps / 2 secs at top & bottom / 4 sec in between

Monday, April 16, 2012

Recovery 2 weeks resuts

Here's what I did during my 2 recovery weeks after all. I had to adapt because of my very tight schedule, so anytime I could not go to the gym and was stuck home, I had to stick to a recovery protocol. The basic idea is lighter charge than usual, done as fast as I can while keeping a good form.

Monday April 2nd (gym)
Turkish get ups 65 lbs / 1 rep / 3 sets / 2min rest
2 handed dumbbell swings 45 lbs / 75 reps / 1 set

Wednesday April 4th (home)
Chin ups 0 lbs / 5-6 reps / 3 sets / 2min rest
1 handed snatches / 3-4 reps / 3 sets / 1 min rest / switch sides
2 legged 1 dumbbell squat 40lbs / 3-4 reps / 3 sets / 2min rest

Friday April 6th (home)
Chin ups 0 lbs / 5-6 reps / 3 sets / 2min rest
Push ups / 8-12 reps / 3 sets / 2 min rest
2 legged 1 dumbbell squat 40lbs / 3-4 reps / 3 sets / 2min rest
2 handed dumbbell swings 40 lbs / 75 reps / 1 set

Monday April 9th (gym)
Turkish get ups 65 lbs / 1 rep / 3 sets / 2min rest
Chops 85lbs / 3 reps / 3 sets / 1 min rest / switch with lifts
Lifts 50 lbs / 3 reps / 3 sets / 1 min rest / switch with chops
2 handed dumbbell swings 45 lbs / 75 reps / 1 set

Wednesday April 11th (home)
Chin ups 0 lbs / 5-6 reps / 3 sets / 2min rest
1 handed snatches / 3-4 reps / 3 sets / 1 min rest / switch sides
2 legged 1 dumbbell squat 40lbs / 3-4 reps / 3 sets / 2min rest
2 handed dumbbell swings 40 lbs / 75 reps / 1 set

Glute-ham raise
Friday April 13th (gym)
Turkish get ups 70 lbs / 1 rep / 3 sets / 2min rest
Chops 90lbs / 3 reps / 3 sets / 1 min rest / switch with lifts
Lifts 60 lbs / 3 reps / 3 sets / 1 min rest / switch with chops
*Glute-ham raise o lbs / 3 reps / 3 sets

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Know thyself

There are many ways to reach similar results and what might be objectively the fastest course of action might not work with you at all. Why does the slow carb diet works so well for me? I have a compulsive nature. When I open a bag of chips, I won't stop until I reach the bottom of it. I also make it work for me in my dance practices. I'm always obsessed with some elements and this can go on for days, months or years. I let that fuels me and that's why showing up to practice is always easy for me. I have never stopped thinking about whatever I have been working on and I can't wait to get back at it.

You are not me. What drives you? Maybe you are a social bee that needs a group to work with. Maybe you need short term projects likes competitions, shows or else? Let your nature works for you. Know thyself.

Fred Barbe

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Awesome advice for....anyone dedicated to a sport related activity!

 Honestly, he could be talking about swing dancing and the subject would be just as relevant.

Strength & Conditioning with Michael Boyle

Fred Barbe

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I overdid it .....again!

Last binge day

8 Pillsbury turnovers 1360cal
16 Pillsbury chocolate chips cookies  2800cal
1 bag Ruffles potato chips 1275cal
2 grappe sodas 400cal
Half of a pizza about 750 cal
7/12 of a homemade cheesecake 1897cal
Around 6 cups of milk 1% 600cal

And I was wondering why I had some trouble finishing my cheesecake...!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Recovery weeks

I have already mentioned how disappointed I was from my last results in this post. I had high expectations, especially from the dead lifts and the pull ups and those are the 2 exercises that almost haven't improved. I plan on getting back to the 1 legged dead lifts which it seems I was more successfully at. For the pull ups, I will try changing protocol, with or without weight, I can't say yet.

For the 2 following weeks, I will only do 3 exercises 3 times/week :

  • Turkish get ups
  • Chops/lifts
  • High reps 2 handed dumbbell swings
I will stick to my favorite protocol so far. 2-4 reps / 3 sets / 2min rest between sites.